To: Pablo

From: Gary

Merry Christmas!

The elves have turned on Santa, it's up to Pablo to save Christmas.
Up Arrow or W to jump.
Down Arrow or S to duck.
Avoid getting hit by the toys.

PS: There is a win condition if you can find it. Enjoy!.

The wonderful team at Ogre Pixel decided that since there were so many talented creators hanging out in their Discord channel, that it'd be fun to have a digital Secret Santa party.  Participants randomly drew a name and had one week to make a digital gift for that person, I chose to make a Christmas themed game, with Pablo as the main character, and treat it like a 48 hour Game Jam, but I couldn't stop adding to it after it was complete. Throughout the rest of the week I ended up spicing it up a bit and adding a win condition that I hadn't originally planned to have.
I hope you have as much fun playing it as I had making it.



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Well Done! The mechanics are great and the elves animation where on time. The only missing was some music